The Farnborough air show is scheduled for 2022. The show begins with a five-day trade show that is concluded by a spectacular air show that is open to the public on a weekend. A huge number of exhibitors from all over the aerospace world will be there to showcase their latest innovations and products as executives from some of the most prestigious aviation companies will be interacting and discussing the ideas that are on display. After that, visitors will be treated for two full days of family-friendly fun and entertainment, including more than five hours worth of air-based demonstrations and hundreds of fantastic events and stalls.
Flying displays
The main attraction to the Farnborough air show are the amazing flying displays performed by stunt pilots and service experts from all over the UK. From modern military planes to historical replicas, a variety of beautiful aircraft will fly over the Farnborough airstrip over the air show’s final weekend.
On Friday, visitors from the trade will enjoy an exclusive display from 14:00-16:45. For Saturdays and Sundays, flight displays are scheduled to take place between 12:30 and 17:30. The event is open from 9am until 6pm, which means there’s plenty of time for fitting everything into. Be sure to get there early to be able to visit the activities, stalls and exhibits early in the early morning. So, you won’t skip a second of the show’s flying!
Family-friendly fun
This trade show is intended specifically designed for professionals working in the aerospace industry. It is for manufacturers and suppliers engineers, designers, and directors with some connection to the aerospace industry in commercial terms. The public event during this time is for everyone including visitors and locals as well as children and adults. It’s the perfect place to spend a relaxing family outing, and there are plenty of amenities and activities that can keep guests of all different ages entertained.
Inspire your inner daredevil by experiencing zip wire and tank driving experiences, or try freefall by using an experience of dropping the stunt bag. The falling stunts will also be offered all day. Experience flying in the skies by participating in an unforgettable Flight School adventure, which is back due to popular demand. And obviously, take in the amazing flying shows with your friends.
The journey to the air show
The most efficient way to get to the airfield, which is located on the A325 the best route is via either the M3 and A31 routes for access. The signs will be posted around the event to direct you away from the motorway and into car parks. It is also possible to travel via train or bus to arrive either at Alders hot as well as Farnborough Stations. Shuttle buses will be running to and from the venue throughout the duration of the event. If you’re traveling from London be sure to take at least 2 hours for your journey. There is a lot of traffic expected in the vicinity of the event that could lead to delays.
Enjoy a luxurious journey with private Ealing minicab service
Take away the stress and anxiety of driving and get to the trade show or public event in elegant fashion. Hire the services of a Ealing minicab transfer service to the Farnborough International air show, who will take you to the location in a luxurious, comfortable and elegant high-end vehicle. We’ve picked one of the Mercedes S Class as our most popular choice for Ealing minicab runs because it blends the performance of a big vehicle and allows the passengers of our clients to enjoy a trip in luxury.
A typical Ealing minicab car package comes with a Wi-Fi hotspot to play or work while on the move and drink water is available for your convenience. The car will be equipped with air conditioning and comfortable leather seats. The Ealing minicab and Croydon taxi transfer service to Farnborough air show will alleviate the stress of driving and let you enjoy your time.